Once we established what the problem was, we immediately started working on possible solutions. Our first solution was to try to access platforms that LSB was using for conversion events - such as Typeform, Mailchimp, etc. Our idea was to try to set up redirects and create a custom thank-you page in order to track conversions. This was not an ideal route, as we would have to make sure tracking did not break when switching through different domains. After tinkering with this idea, we realized that it was not feeseble due to the current way the client's website was set up. We were short on time, so we needed to think of a solution that WORKED and that could be executed.
What we came up with was the following - we managed to create a custom conversion event that used two different factors in establishing relevant user action:
- Time spent on conversion pages
- Engagement on those pages (i.e. number of clicks and keystrokes recorded)
Internal blogs may be used in lieu of meetings and e-mail discussions, and can be especially useful when the people involved are in different locations, or have conflicting schedules. Charity projects, architectural forums, 15 new spaces at the city center. Most charities are concerned with providing basic needs, such as food, water, clothing, health care and shelter.